About Lopamudra

An academic by profession and a struggling writer by passion, I am an introvert who loves to spend time with her family, read books, spend time in the midst of nature and take time off from daily activities in order to simply sit and ruminate about life, its mysteries, and the myriads of philosophies that tend to baffle me.

Since I am rare on social media (having effectively relinquished their tardy company), this is my primary mode of communication with the world. Between cups of coffee and writing for my next novel, blogging is something that appeals to me the most.

I am indeed a drop of rain or a quaint fern by heart, Quiet, inconsequential and rather obscure to this turbulent and ever-changing world.

For those uninformed my name may seem rather long, however, it would be prudent to share that my first name is Lopamudra and Kalipada is the name of my father, who (during his lifetime) initiated the love for the English language in me. 🙂

Au revoir !