Sadly Neglected

I have been rather neglectful of my blog (which is unforgivable) for the last couple of months. However, as they say it is never too late to start again. 🙂 I apologize profusely to my readers and fellow bloggers for being extremely tardy in my dedication towards this blog and assure them that henceforth such misdemeanors shall not be repeated. I also need to catch up on my reading of other fellow bloggers who are much more regular and dedicated to their craft than I am such as Dale Tucker, Travellin’ Bob, and last but not the least, Evanescent Revelations.

This time I make a mid-year resolution of writing at least once a week and keeping both my mind and my craft alive through this blog 🙂

Au revoir !

5 replies on “Sadly Neglected”

  1. Hi Lupamudra. It’s always good to see you here and read what you’ve been up to. Thank you for your kind mention of me in your post, also. But I haven’t been on my Vivaldi blog much either. I’ve invested my time lately on making audio MP3s of readings of half-chapters of my novel, Wanderer, on Substack without much success, I might add, in terms of readership. But this is the life of a writer and artist, I think. I wouldn’t trade it for any other.

    On the bright side, I received my first review/blurb (a verbal one) from someone who actually read my entire novel: he is the postmaster of the small post office in Olin from where I mail my books. His name is Phil. He said, and I quote: “I thoroughly enjoyed the book!” We had only a quick conversation while he was busy with an AI tech on the phone and I had another book to send. Phil said he liked the ending also. I’m smiling now, thinking about it.

    You may see more of me too, here on the blog. Always good to know you are out there and fighting the good fight for our artful craft. See you around the block. — Dale

    1. Wow ! Wonderful news. I am really happy for you. Wishing you more feathers in your cap in the future 🙂

  2. Welcome back! There must be something in the air – I’ve not been doing much writing (of any description!) lately….seems to be the exceedingly hot weather we’ve been blessed with lately here in Not At All Cold Poland. Not that I’m complaining – I do love a bit of sun (as you will see in one of my recent pieces…) . I too need to do more, but I have a packed August so it’s unlikely to be anytime soon, I’m afraid.

    @ Dale: AI and IT tech are indeed much the same these days, aren’t they? I admit to being an AI sceptic – I’ve written a couple of pieces on the subject on my LinkedIn account, since I am bombarded there with requests to “Write a post using AI” and similar – so I’m looking at more information since it’s going to be with us forever and we all need to adapt and live with it. My son used to be HR director of DeepMinds, the pioneering AI company that Google bought for several billion bucks a few years ago, and he now works in a senior HR position within Google itself, so I’ve had an interest for a while now. I recently bought (and started reading today) a book called AI 2041, written by two former Microsoft and Google AI gurus now doing other things, that is a book of essays about likely AI developments and sci-fi short stories based on those predictions. Fascinating stuff, I highly recommend it!

    1. We are all getting pretty busy with our respective lives. However, let’s continue to write so that we do not lose this precious art of ours 🙂

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