Spam ! The Terrible Scourge of Spam !

I sincerely implore Vivaldi to do something about spam. It is becoming quite beastly with each passing day. Nowadays I dread visiting the dashboard of my blog due to this feeling of an impending doom of being terrorized by yet another avalanche of spam comments. During the initial days of this blog, the comments used to be small and easy to mark in a bulk. However, nowadays they tend to run throughout the entire length of my browser making it extremely tedious to mark them in bulk and block them indefinitely.

Kindly do something about this and save us hapless bloggers from the scourge of the never ending spam.


A Rather Depressed Blogger

blue and brown cardboard boxes

4 replies on “Spam ! The Terrible Scourge of Spam !”

  1. You are not alone. My blog is continually spammed by cretins who think spamming people is a way to make money. Almost everyday one of my posts is attacked. I think it’s common to most blogging sites.
    Don’t give up, keep writing.

  2. Please go to Settings > Discussion > Other comment settings and enable “Users must be registered and logged in to comment”. That will eliminate most if not all the spam you’re getting.

  3. Wow! I almost envy you! I’ve been writing stuff here for 18 m0nths or so, according to the Dashboard 29 posts in total (I know, I know – I’m not that prolific but I also write weekly on my Blogger titles and there have been a LOT od distractions in my life during that period…) and I have garnered a not-so-grand total of 75 Comments….. And apparently 0 Followers. I confess to being more than a little disappointed – I honestly don’t believe my writing is THAT bad, but there is clearly zero interest in it.

    Ho hum…..what to do? What to do?

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