We, the writers and poets are strange creatures. We love planning. Planning our manuscripts. Planning on which days we will write which chapter. Planning the exact materials that we will use (they may range from battered typewriters to laptops to computers to paper and pen). Planning intricately on how to avoid the world (social engagements, official engagements etc). Planning quick meals so that may reduce the time devoted to cooking. And finally, planning our sleep patterns (how much should we rest our eyes and when). All this requires ample time. This huge and detailed planning. I am sure that compared to us, city civil engineers will fail when it may come to planning entire cities and towns. 😀
However, when it comes to the execution, we are master procrastinators (at least I am). We love daydreaming and creating those characters in our heads and we even allow them to romp around us on a daily basis, but when it comes to reducing them to letters punctuating white pages we tend to fail miserably. Either those whom we are able to capture and pin down on white sheets do not match the expectations that we have harbored in our heads for months, or we are too lazy to find the right words and sentences to describe them and their current predicament. As a result, we fail miserably. And then we get up, dust ourselves in the most brisk and official manner and plan again. We build newer plans. Plans that seem infallible to us. Invincible plans. Grand plans. And then they fall flat on their faces yet again. This never-ending carousel plays on till one fine day, suddenly, out of blue, we are struck by some divine lightening, and we manage to put together 80 or 90 thousand words within a single manuscript. That is nothing short of a miracle. That Eureka moment !
But, all said and done, till that magic hour arrives or the sky turns lavender and our inks turn blue this unending dance of the mind and the circumstances will continue. Quite like Hegel’s Dialectics. Quite like Wittgenstein’s language games.
Till I scribble another day…back to planning and execution. 🙂
Au revoir !
Without GOD’s inspiration we are all nothing. Be blessed in YHWH’s name = Yahushua Hinoshri Wamalech HaYehuddim = Jesus The Christ The King of The Jews, The Lamb of GOD that was slain for the forgiveness of our sins… to open the door to paradise to all of us, who believe in the love of the True and Almighty GOD of creation, the great “I AM”, who revealed himself to the Prophet Moses… and to all great man of GOD.
Greetings of Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. My blog : jeanschoonbroodt.vivaldi.net
Thank you so much. Will definitely check your blog 🙂
You know, I never plan anything, it just arrives from somewhere and I write it down. That sounds terribly silly but that’s how it works for me. I wish I could plan but it never seems to work for me. I do procrastinate – endlessly. Good luck with your next plan!