
I think I have possibly reached Nirvana where social media is concerned. From 5th September onward I hope to go off it completely for the next couple of months or so. This detox was long needed and required. Let not the reader think for a moment that I have been addicted to the same. Apart from Facebook, I do not use any other social media website at all. And now even that has become a tad bit boring. Also, it is a hindrance if too many things occupy my day as well as my mind. Those who wish to contact me can do so via other means. There is no need for a documented version of my offline life.

Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that I keep this year end resolution…

Amen to that….

Preparing the Ground

A couple of days more and then I will be going off social media completely. Kind of preparing the ground for my second novel, while working on proof reading the first. First, the social media sites have to be abandoned (not that I am a big fan of them…the only one that I use being Facebook). Secondly, only emails are to be encouraged. Frankly speaking I hate texting. I have a severe dislike for the myriads of texting apps gracing the internet these days. Emails are possibly the best and most discreet mode of communication. This blog will probably remain as my only mode of communication with the world in general.

So much for now. Till I scribble again….

open book on brown wooden table

Come September

September is supposed to be THE month ! I do not know why but certain months or days give me the kind of positive feeling that I seldom have with others. Come September and I have immense plans in mind. A quiet porch for writing, a cup of coffee or two to give me company, maybe feeling a tad languorous in the lazy sun and letting my mind wander off to lands and times distant. Sometimes it is the foggy past and sometimes it is the capricious future. The mind wanders off and I let it wander….

That is exactly what I have in mind Come September….

One More Time

Finally I have begun working on my literary projects with full endeavour. Also, I have decided to journal regularly. Maybe a coupe of sentences everyday or a couple of paragraphs. I should take baby steps one more time. Much has been wasted and squandered away the last few years. The academic has failed miserably. Maybe destiny predicts that I should be a writer…or better still, I am a writer…nothing more…nothing less…

Feeling rather optimistic. Hope this feeling continues…